Dorn Therapy
Perfect solution for spinal column and joints related pain
The DORN Therapy is a form of manual, holistic, alternative therapy used to correct misalignments of the spinal column and other joints, which so often are the cause of pain and grief.
Dorn therapy is safe manual therapy for Back pain, Leg pain (sciatica), Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Migraine etc.
The spinal cord is the main information highway between the brain and all other parts of our body. If there is a blockage along this pathway, the flow of this energy is altered often in a negative way.
Misaligned vertebrae and joints lead to abnormal, misbalanced tensioning of muscles. The spinal nerve and the nerves of the vegetative nervous system may become blocked and overtime the organs served by these nerves may develop problems.
Almost every physical problem is related to a misaligned joint, and from physical point of view, might have its original cause there. By realigning the joints these muscles and nerves are relieved of the tension and the benefits usually can be felt at all levels. Dorn helps to realign the joints.